Hot take: I don’t want to build you a “timeless” brand.


Tired of looking at that logo you made years ago and never touched again? I thought so.

If you’ve been working in your business and not on your business, it’s time for a change. You’ve busted your ass learning how to be an entrepreneur, growing a community, and scaling your business.

One job you don’t need to do? DIY your branding. You wouldn’t ask me to play chef at a restaurant (although, I’ve watched enough episodes of The Bear I might be alright, cousin), so why should you be fumbling through Canva for hours trying to find a logo that a million other businesses already have?

You have a passion that’s helped you create a business you love. Leave it to me to build a brand that aligns with you now, and evolves effortlessly as you grow.

You’ll never catch me starting out with professional credentials.


Starting with professional credentials is like me coming to coffee with you and just handing you my resume (ew). So, what makes me, me?

I’m an extroverted homebody, carb-loving, hot yoga going, true crime podcast aficionado, and a dog mom with a teeny bit of an oversharing problem.

I’m also the type of person who can’t leave the house without getting myself a ~little treat~, spends hours wandering around antique stores for the perfect mid-century modern piece, and most evenings, you’ll usually find me in heated competition with my boyfriend watching Family Feud.

I love deep diving into holistic health (where are all my Huberman Lab fans), but will never pass up trying the newest cocktail bar in town. I quote way too many memes and old Vines - I’m a late ‘90s baby riding the Millennial and Gen Z line, okay. I’m also simultaneously an anxious girly and one of the most optimistic people you’ll meet.

Now that you’ve gotten a look into what goes on inside my head on a daily basis, let’s get down to what’s important - how I can help you.

Think about your go-to playlist, the one with the songs that fit you perfectly, and that you can’t help but go back to again and again. That’s how we want people to feel about your brand.

What would our soundtrack look like? If you’re thinking of a mix of Zach Bryan, J. Cole, and Red Hot Chili Peppers, don’t say another word, just book now (because we’re about to be best friends).

If your playlist is looking a little more like a bunch of outdated songs that you just keep skipping, it’s time for an update. You’ve done the hard work, you’ve built an incredible business, but you just keep pressing skip on those dreaded brand building tasks.

What would it look like if you had someone who takes the story behind your brand, finds out what your dream clients and audience love, and meshes it together with head-turning visuals, and all you had to do was talk about what you love - your business.

So, if you’re ready for a brand that is playing on repeat (we’re going platinum, I can feel it), let’s get this party started.


So, how did I get here?

How did I get to be a brand strategist and designer anyway? Take it back to 2020 when I was graduating college in the middle of a pandemic, to start! My marketing degree was being put to use working at a social media agency (and leading to major burnout, and I was poor af).

Work-life balance is essential for me, so you know I hopped out of there, and landed as a content specialist for a software development company in Annapolis, but… I missed that creative drive.

I’ve always wanted to do more than just work a traditional 9-5, so I started Tidewater Studio, focusing on social media strategy, and something interesting happened. The more I worked with clients, the more I realized that my strategy was going far beyond their socials, I couldn’t get enough of helping them build their brand community.

So, in 2023, I decided to officially make the jump into brand strategy and design, and here we are. Now, I spend my down time scrolling through cool fonts and obsessing over package design.

TL;DR: I’m a marketing girly who has done everything from content to socials to ads, but branding has my heart.

Feel like you know me a little better now? Good! Let’s flow into your new brand together.

If my oversharing and slightly chaotic personality resonated - I’ve found my people. Now, let’s build a cool-ass brand.